The Code of Ethics of Grupo Puma, which was approved by the governing bodies of each of the companies that are part of the group in October 2016, reflects the reference values of the group and contains the general principles that should govern the actions of all professionals who are part of it.
Consequently, the Code of Ethics of Grupo Puma, is a key element in the integrity of our businesses and represents who we are and how we act as a company, both internally, in terms of the companies that are part of the group and all of its employees, managers and administrators, as externally, in the market and with the other competitors. All professionals of the group, regardless of their position in the organization and the place where they carry out their activity, must know the mission and values contained in the Code of Ethics, accept them and use them as guidelines and conduct guide in the performance of their daily performances.
The document, also available on the corporate intranet of the group, is periodically reviewed to incorporate the necessary changes to respond to the new internal and external requirements and ensure its continuous improvement.
The governing bodies of the companies that are part of Grupo Puma also approved a number of corporate policies aimed at encouraging company-wide performance in accordance with the ethics and regulations in force in each of the identified risk areas, through a set of procedures and actions designed to prevent, detect and respond to actions, irregularities, fraud or acts contrary to the Group's Code of Ethics or the rules in force. The set of corporate policies and action protocols, along with the Code of Ethics of the group, represent the strong commitment of the company to its employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and other interest groups with which it relates, to conduct all its activities in accordance with current rules and regulations, as well as the highest standards and ethical values.
Likewise, the Company has established a communication and complaint channel, consisting of the email address for use by employees and other stakeholders, which aims to comply with the objectives set out both in the Code of Ethics and in the set of internal policies and processes approved within it.
Igualmente, se ofrece un canal seguro y anónimo para que empleados y otros grupos de interés, puedan denunciar cualesquiera comportamientos, acciones, omisiones o hechos que constituyan una eventual infracción penal o administrativa o una violación del Código Ético de la sociedad o de las normas internas de la compañía establecidas en sus políticas corporativas y protocolos específicos de actuación, producida en el desarrollo de las funciones profesionales del autor del incumplimiento, o con trascendencia en la relación contractual con clientes o proveedores o en los intereses e imagen de la Sociedad frente a terceros.
A los efectos anteriores, se informa de que los PRINCIPIOS que rigen el funcionamiento del canal de denuncias son los siguientes:
Se informa asimismo de que, en todo caso y sin perjuicio de lo anterior, podrán comunicarse las acciones u omisiones que puedan ser constitutivas de infracción penal o administrativa grave o muy grave, así como, las acciones u omisiones que puedan constituir infracciones del Derecho de la Unión Europea siempre que entren dentro del ámbito de aplicación de los actos de la Unión Europea enumerados en el anexo de la Directiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de octubre de 2019, afecten a los intereses financieros de la Unión Europea e incidan en el mercado interior, ante la Autoridad Independiente de Protección del Informante, A.A.I., o ante las autoridades u órganos autonómicos correspondientes y, en su caso, ante las instituciones y órganos de la Unión Europea, través de sus propios canales (canales externos a la entidad).